Let's kick this off the right way....Redsfest is rapidly approaching! This is the first year I'm not boiling over with excitement...I think it's because I'm more excited to get to the season to see if the team can carry their success over. It's an interesting switch. This is the first Redsfest ever with a Reds playoff team, so it'll be interesting. Normally the Reds focus Redsfest on the past (remember 1990 and how awesome it was) or the promise of the next year...this is the first time they could really look at the current year.
However...the most important part of the news for this week...the Baseball Hall of Fame ballot is out to the BBWAA. The important part of that...Barry Larkin is back of the ballot. Writers need to do the smart thing and vote 11 for '11!
As a baseball fan...not just a Reds fan...it's impossible to not like Joey Votto.
Dear Topps: Strasburg over Leake is a joke. Way to buy into hype instead of performance.
I absolutely love this idea. Carl Crawford's (who I wish the Reds could afford) agent is sending iPads with info on Crawford including videos, highlights, testimonials, etc. to all GMs interested in him to drive cost up. Agents @ NACA are going to start having iPads with highlights of their clients...I've already talked to some who are...Apple may not be Google...but they are revolutionary.
Hmmm....has anyone thought that WW3 may not involve the Middle East and Korea but be a war between Apple, Google, and Microsoft??? If so...I hope I choose the winner!!! (Google....)
So...if you haven't played Minecraft yet do it! It's amazing, and consuming my non-work life.
One of my goals over Thanksgiving was to try to zip through the main story of Assassin's Creed so I could move on to AC II. I enjoy most of one...though there are some VERY tedious parts...and I've heard II is a lot better. AC: Brotherhood (a story continuation for ACII) just came out. No clue whether it is ACIII or another continuation, but now there will be another new Assassin's Creed game next year. At least with me playing late I get the games cheap! (BTW-I know you're wondering. NO...I didn't finish AC...Minecraft consumed that time.)
I've many times said the only three good slapstick/satire/silly humor actors I have enjoy the work of are Leslie Nielson, John Ritter, and Adam Sandler. Unfortunately, we've lost another one. (And yes...it's sad that every 9-11 I remember that John Ritter died two years after the tragedy...but yes I think of him annually.
Ian McKellen is back in The Hobbit(s). Great news! (BTW-the s is because they're making two movies...)
In the trailers blog, I talked about them remaking Teen Wolf as a TV show. Well...they may actually be remaking it twice...also as a feature film series with a female wolf and Tom Welling as a secondary character. Wha..huh?
Major Spoilers listing of the top 10 comic covers of the 1980's. Some good choices, but a lot of my favorites aren't on the list. Here's a couple of my favorites.
I just wanted to put a few. :-)
Also...one other comic cover that at least has something I love, but misses on the 80's (was in 1991) and the cover isn't great, it just has one thing I love:
It's actually a good cover...but what I love is the heading at the top. "#80 in a four-issue limited series." The series (as you see on #1 above) was planned as a 4-issue series...but sold VERY well so they rushed to continue it (whereas now they would just have a new #1.) That lead to the really cool heading. The image of Prime lurking in the back makes this cover as far as the non-headline goes.
One more early 90s cover I love (the 80s really went until about 1992 anyway...) that made me buy the comic and scavenge for YEARS to get the whole series...
So...back to the news.
The next step in the entertainment wars is being taken. If I had about a 1 or 2TB Hard Drive on my PS3 (I know...this is Microsoft...but don't think Sony isn't chomping at the bit for this) with DVR and cable, that would be AWESOME. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a cable service where you CHOOSE what channels you want. Like you pay 1-2$ a month per channel you want, and more for the premium movie channels. I'd jump all over that.
This is utterly ridiculous. My respect for Fox is in the gutter right now. If she was the leak...I would understand. But for this...no.
Speaking of ridiculous...They are going ahead with the remake of Buffy without Joss Whedon. They really don't get it. "This was popular...let's remake it!" You know...there was a reason it was popular...and when you get rid of those reasons, there is nothing worthwhile! Buffy was popular because of Angel and Spike. Because of Willow. Xander. Faith. Oz. Giles. You know who was probably the LEAST liked character in the series? Buffy. Who will be in the new movie? Which characters? Only Buffy. Dreadful. AND with no Whedon...no. You have to LOVE his response though! I don't see any Whedon fans seeing this movie in theaters...whic is going to hurt it.
And also on that mode...this is a bad idea. Superman as CGI? No. BAD IDEA. Why? Well, other not having Routh or Welling as Superman, there is another reason. That reason comes to us from 1978 (the year after I was born!) Superman: The Movie. Christopher Reeve. What was the tagline of the film? Anyone??
That's correct! "You'll Believe a Man Can Fly!" I, of course, didn't see it until a few years later...but in 1978 they made us believe a man can fly. Now having all Superman CG? Dreadful.
Newest Dark Knight Rising rumor: It'll be based on an obscure-ish story from one of the comics. Not that I mind that, but the movies can bring us new stories...and I like that.
The Harry Potter series is being converted to 3D and have a limited release in theaters at some point. I think 3D is overrated. I am typically underwhelmed by 3D, and only occasionally whelmed. (YEAH! Young Justice! Thank you Robin...) What I would LOVE is for July 17th or whatever (too lazy to look) to be Harry Potter day like when LOTR was released. I'd pay $30 to spend a day in the theater with half hour breaks between movies to watch all 7 released movies leading up to the midnight showing of HP7-2. I'd do it in a HEARTBEAT! You know a ton of people would! (Sadly...it would be about the length of the LOTR marathon, methinks...)
Good. It's a better series. Yeah...I said it. And still have my Geek cred to boot. Deal.
Mayim Bialik and Darren Criss are now regulars on their respective shows. Good. They should be. They make the already awesome shows better.
I know this has been a long one...so here is a thank you if you made it this far and made it to the end. Do yourself a favor, and spend 10 minutes watching this...although just a warning...you'll want to watch all of it. Just trust me!
"I am a beautiful animal! I am a destroyer of worlds!"
Have a good one!