So...what am I seeing in the RSS that is interesting today? ( either of you who read my blog think I find this stuff on my own?)
Things like this hurt my head all around.
Could they be as bad as Episodes I and II? Is that possible?
I finally finished The Tommyknockers last night. I've been doing an audiobook tour of all of Stephen King's books. I started last summer and used trips to Reds games for a lot of the books. I could get through a lot of the books quickly-even IT only took me a couple of weeks. I started Tommyknockers, I believe, August 13. That is two months. That is unheard of. It wasn't bad. It was just hard to get through, because he didn't make you care for the characters, really. There were only two characters I cared about at all, and it made me not care as much about what happened. King has acknowledged he wrote the book during the period where he was heavily using many substances, and realized after that he wrote this book as a metaphor for addiction. I'm just glad I can move on. The Dark Half is next. I'm saving the non-fiction books.
Some people are upset that three cast members from Glee took pics for GQ for men that some say promote pedophilia. Really. They are 24, 24, and 28. There are SO MANY stupid things about this "controversy"
that it makes me feel like many around me who hate people.
More Battlestar Galactica. I approve.
I don't know what to think of this, however. I think Will Smith is amazing and M. Night Shymalan has only made two good movies. Maybe finally a third??
What the.... That is ABSURD! Nintendo sells 46 THOUSAND wii-motes a day. I...I'm baffled.
The Rangers and Giants are in the World Series. My top picks were the Reds (of course) and the Rays. The Rangers and Giants were second picks. Should be interesting. If only I had time to watch.
Big Dawgie has spent all day claiming Disney supports interracial orgies. He has data to back this up. I mean...he searched surely... :-) Latest comment: "I can hear Mickey now. 'Remember kids always wear a rubber!'"
I'd watch a good baseball TV series. More baseball in my life is ALWAYS needed!
John Fay asks the question "Can the Reds afford Joey Votto?" That is not a question...Yes...we have to. There is no question.
'Tis enough for today. Have a good one! Smile a lot!
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