I enjoyed the other two Transformers movies. People judge them (and the GI Joe movie) too harshly. There are changes, but they keep the feel of the old cartoon. A bit more cohesive of stories. But remember-these are movies based off of a toyline. Deal with it.
Sadly, the first (WAY too short) season of The Walking Dead has ended. It's going to be a LONG wait until next October for a longer season 2. Two interesting pieces of news, however. Not only was The Walking Dead the most pirated series, the ratings of the show INCREASED with every episode. Interesting.
American Pie 4 is being made, and they are hoping to bring back the entire original cast. The biggest issue seems to be how busy Alyson Hanigan is. That's what talent gets you!
Glee characters will get replaced as they graduate. They've done a good job of NOT saying what year anyone is in really, but this is only good news. We can't keep them around forever. Maybe Brittney. She could easily fail year after year.
Randy, the best character in the Scream movies, may be back in Scream 4. Sure he died in Scream 2...but...
Rob Liefeld, the creator of Deadpool, is slamming Fox for trying to PG-13 the character. He has a point. Deadpool needs to be R-Rated...some characters just need that.
The Hobbit movie is set to continue deviating from the books, as Orlando Bloom/Legolas is set to return. I'm ok with it...he was the best character in LOTR...which I now want to rewatch. Maybe on my 3-week break from work...
Rumor has there being a FULL trailer for the most anticipated game of next year (followed closely by Portal 2 and LBP2) this weekend, but here's a teaser:
The Wackowski Brothers are set to revamp Robin Hood. I'm good with that. A movie with an archer is always worthwhile. :-)
The next TV series based on a DC Comics character may be based on the Teen Titan Raven. This would definitely be a teen-focused show, but could be good. It's an interesting character to choose.
The iPad 2 is rumored to ship in February. I'm waiting to get my iPad until the 2 is out, so I'm ready.
Tons of other news and rumors flying...but that's good for today.
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