I was using two blogs...one to write about the Reds, the other about me. I rarely actually blog, so I am just combining them here. So sometimes this will be about the Reds, sometimes just my life.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Thoughts From Third: 2012 Movies

I realize 2012 is a month in, but January is typically a dead time for movies.  So...I thought now was as good of a time as any to talk about my most anticipated movies of 2012.  I mean...there's nothing better going on.  (I know football is one...but it bores me.)

So...my most anticipated movies for 2012!

10. The Woman in Black (2-3-2012)

It's out now, but I'm still avoiding anything about it.  We plan to go see it next Sunday, but it's not showing in Hamilton and we may have to go to Springdale.  Sad day.

So...for most of these I'm linking a trailer...as I refuse to WATCH the trailer for this because I want to know NOTHING going in...I'll link to the website...I think.


9. Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance (2-17-2012)

The first movie was a good Ghost Rider movie, I expect this one to be fun as well.

8. Men in Black III (5-25-2012)

Will Smith is awesome.  The Men in Black movies are fun. This should be fun. 

7. The Amazing Spider-Man (7-3-2012)

I'm more intrigued by the relaunch than care...but it could be good.  Or a money grab.  We'll see which.

6. American Reunion (4-6-2012)

I've loved all of the theatrical American Pie movies.  I find them hilarious and think there are too few of this type of movies...so I look forward to this.  

I enjoyed G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.  It was like watching the old cartoon.  This one looks like watching the new cartoon, which is better than the original.  So...

I love the Resident Evil games.  I love the Resident Evil movies.  Easily the best game based movies, I believe. 

3. Dark Knight Rises (7-20-2012)

But JS!  You're a DC fan boy!  You like Batman!  How can this be third???  I think Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were excellent and overrated.  I like the original Iron Man movie more than this one.  I am not a fan of Nolan's view that these movies cannot be part of a larger DC Universe of movies, effectively killing a Justice League movie until he is done with them.  I don't like the tone of the movies.  They are great, don't get me wrong.  But overrated.  

The Lord of the Rings is the best movie ever made.  (At 12 hours it may be the LONGEST also, as I consider the trilogy one movie.)  It may not be my favorite (though I do love it) but it is the best.  I expect the two Hobbit movies to be equally excellent. 

1. The Avengers (5-4-2012)

Marvel Studios makes excellent movies.  This movie looks better and better everything I see from it.  It is impossible to temper my expectations for this movie.  It looks amazing. 

There you have it.  Watch them all.  I left off honorable mentions because, well...the next would have been Battleship or Taken 2...and, umm...not that stellar.

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