I was using two blogs...one to write about the Reds, the other about me. I rarely actually blog, so I am just combining them here. So sometimes this will be about the Reds, sometimes just my life.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Round Tripper Reviews: Doctor Who Series 1 Episodes 1-5

So, I haven't blogged in forever, but decided this was a good enough reason to do so. After pressure for at least the past 5-7 years about how much I will love the show I have decided to (slowly) start watching Doctor Who. I was going to fully keep it a secret from everyone, but decided that some people may be interested on the fresh thoughts of someone who had never watched before (and admittedly knows some but very little). So I decided the best way to do this was to revive A Single Short of a Cycle and blog my thoughts on episodes. I'm starting with 2005, naturally.

Part of why it will be slow is because I actually have several TV shows going right now (in addition to work, gaming, and other things that take up my life. I decided I was going to watch ALL of Star Trek (animated, TV Series, movies, etc.) and am partway through season 3 of TOS. That is going to take a LONG time. I also am re-watching what I consider the best Sci-Fi series I've ever watched (Battlestar Galactica) as well as other things I enjoy. Also working on catching up on Haven and other shows. So these may be sporadic. Of course, if you are interested in my thoughts feel free to subscribe.

I just ask a few favors:

  1. NO SPOILERS! Even if it is something everyone knows, don't be a jerk. (This includes "I can't wait until you get to X" comments.)  I want to experience this fresh. 
  2. Please don't think I need to talk about everything. "What did you think of this? Did you like this? Make sure to remember that..."  I want to experience the show for myself, not everyone else's experience with the show.
  3. That doesn't mean don't comment-I'd love to see comments, thoughts, etc. on what I say.  I really love people's opinions and love different opinions. 
  4. NO SPOILERS! For serious though-that is the quickest way for me not to care. 
So...anyway, a quick review of each of the episodes I have watched so far: 

Series 1 (2005) Episode 1 (Not worrying about the episodes before this, at least for now)

Good introduction to the characters and basics of the series. The Doctor comes off as a bit of a jerk, but I enjoyed the Rose character. The dilemma of the dummies coming alive was ok but not spectacular. Rose's mom and boyfriend were not likable, so the only character that came off likable in this episode was Rose (though The Doctor came off fun in the Dr. House sort of manner.) 

This episode was there...it introduced some characters and was good...but far from great. As a pilot it should be an episode that made me feel "I must watch this show" and it really didn't do that. That isn't to say I didn't like it-I did. I just didn't feel an immediate need to watch more (and didn't for several days.) I do like the episode previews at the end (and that Netflix shows them.) 

Series 1 Episode 2
The End of the World

I didn't like the portrayal of Rose in this episode. In the first episode she was a strong character...smart, brave, etc.  In this episode she was the damsel in distress that just kept getting into situations and waiting for The Doctor to get her out of trouble. I get the thought-she is in an unfamiliar situation and doesn't know what to do and is scared...but the same was mostly true in the first episode (with the exception of being "home") and she was still a much better character. 

The Doctor was a better character in this episode and some of the alien races were fun (except the last human-I get the social commentary there but I believe people will advance in a much more positive way.)  The story was again good but not great and didn't push me to feel I needed to see the next episode immediately. 

Series 1 Episode 3 
The Unquiet Dead

My favorite author is Stephen King. I love horror movies. I love supernatural things. However, something (and I can't place what) about this episode just didn't do it for me. I can't put my finger on what but I was bored for most of this episode. I enjoyed the discussion at the end between Rose and The Doctor about if Dickens would write about everything...but next to that this episode just didn't do anything for me. 

Series 1 Episodes 4 & 5 (Aliens in London, World War Three)

As a two part episode I am discussing these together. There were aspects of this that were kind of meh to me (in the way of saw-that-coming or seen-that-before) but overall these were very good episodes. I enjoyed the four recurring characters. I enjoyed the story (despite the predictability and fact it is not a new concept.) I enjoyed the villains. Jennifer called near the end of one episode and annoyed me because I wanted to finish it. I also wanted to watch the next episode quicker and did it within a couple of days (instead of a week later, which is what I've been averaging...an episode per week...though none yet this week.) 

I enjoyed this episode and it showed that this can be a good show. I don't know (and could easily be wrong) that it will ever replace BSG as my favorite Sci-Fi show. (I think TNG has a better chance when I get to it, though I am doubtful.) However, it showed that this was a good episode. 

I think part of what I enjoyed in episodes 1, 4, & 5 (and why I liked 2 & 3 less) is I prefer a strong female protagonist. Even in video games given a choice I choose the female lead. In 1, 4, & 5 Rose was. In 2 & 3...not so much.  I like her character a lot. I like The Doctor's character. I didn't like her character in those episodes, which could have had an impact. 

So there you have it...my thought on the first five episodes. I'm not sure if I'll do one after each episode or just after sets...regardless if you want to see my ramblings subscribe, if not feel free to pass through. 

Also-posts won't solely be about Doctor Who.  If I get back into this I will probably continue what I was doing a couple year ago and blog about other things I find interesting. 

Have fun! 

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