I was using two blogs...one to write about the Reds, the other about me. I rarely actually blog, so I am just combining them here. So sometimes this will be about the Reds, sometimes just my life.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thoughts from Third Base: November 30, 2010

I added voting buttons to the bottom of my blogs!  Epic (which is a joke...nothing I blog is epic, but it is better than "Like"), Fail (yeah...sometimes I fail...it's rare.), Wha-huh? (somethings are just bizarre), and Derailed (sometimes I lose topic).  Enjoy, and I know you'll ALL go back and rate ALL of my previous blogs...or at least go mark fail to the Christian Reds Rap....which was an EPIC fail.  :-)

Let's kick this off the right way....Redsfest is rapidly approaching!  This is the first year I'm not boiling over with excitement...I think it's because I'm more excited to get to the season to see if the team can carry their success over.  It's an interesting switch. This is the first Redsfest ever with a Reds playoff team, so it'll be interesting.  Normally the Reds focus Redsfest on the past (remember 1990 and how awesome it was) or the promise of the next year...this is the first time they could really look at the current year.

However...the most important part of the news for this week...the Baseball Hall of Fame ballot is out to the BBWAA.  The important part of that...Barry Larkin is back of the ballot.  Writers need to do the smart thing and vote 11 for '11!

As a baseball fan...not just a Reds fan...it's impossible to not like Joey Votto.

Dear Topps: Strasburg over Leake is a joke.  Way to buy into hype instead of performance.

absolutely love this idea.  Carl Crawford's (who I wish the Reds could afford) agent is sending iPads with info on Crawford including videos, highlights, testimonials, etc. to all GMs interested in him to drive cost up. Agents @ NACA are going to start having iPads with highlights of their clients...I've already talked to some who are...Apple may not be Google...but they are revolutionary. 

Hmmm....has anyone thought that WW3 may not involve the Middle East and Korea but be a war between Apple, Google, and Microsoft???  If so...I hope I choose the winner!!!  (Google....)

So...if you haven't played Minecraft yet do it!  It's amazing, and consuming my non-work life.  

One of my goals over Thanksgiving was to try to zip through the main story of Assassin's Creed so I could move on to AC II.  I enjoy most of one...though there are some VERY tedious parts...and I've heard II is a lot better. AC: Brotherhood (a story continuation for ACII) just came out.  No clue whether it is ACIII or another continuation, but now there will be another new Assassin's Creed game next year.  At least with me playing late I get the games cheap!  (BTW-I know you're wondering.  NO...I didn't finish AC...Minecraft consumed that time.)

I've many times said the only three good slapstick/satire/silly humor actors I have enjoy the work of are Leslie Nielson, John Ritter, and Adam Sandler.  Unfortunately, we've lost another one.  (And yes...it's sad that every 9-11 I remember that John Ritter died two years after the tragedy...but yes I think of him annually.
Ian McKellen is back in The Hobbit(s).  Great news!  (BTW-the s is because they're making two movies...)

In the trailers blog, I talked about them remaking Teen Wolf as a TV show.  Well...they may actually be remaking it twice...also as a feature film series with a female wolf and Tom Welling as a secondary character.  Wha..huh?

Major Spoilers listing of the top 10 comic covers of the 1980's.  Some good choices, but a lot of my favorites aren't on the list.  Here's a couple of my favorites.

I just wanted to put a few.  :-)  

Also...one other comic cover that at least has something I love, but misses on the 80's (was in 1991) and the cover isn't great, it just has one thing I love:

It's actually a good cover...but what I love is the heading at the top.  "#80 in a four-issue limited series."  The series (as you see on #1 above) was planned as a 4-issue series...but sold VERY well so they rushed to continue it (whereas now they would just have a new #1.)  That lead to the really cool heading.  The image of Prime lurking in the back makes this cover as far as the non-headline goes.

One more early 90s cover I love (the 80s really went until about 1992 anyway...) that made me buy the comic and scavenge for YEARS to get the whole series...

So...back to the news.  

The next step in the entertainment wars is being taken.  If I had about a 1 or 2TB Hard Drive on my PS3 (I know...this is Microsoft...but don't think Sony isn't chomping at the bit for this) with DVR and cable, that would be AWESOME.  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a cable service where you CHOOSE what channels you want.  Like you pay 1-2$ a month per channel you want, and more for the premium movie channels.  I'd jump all over that.

This is utterly ridiculous.  My respect for Fox is in the gutter right now.  If she was the leak...I would understand.  But for this...no.

Speaking of ridiculous...They are going ahead with the remake of Buffy without Joss Whedon. They really don't get it.  "This was popular...let's remake it!"  You know...there was a reason it was popular...and when you get rid of those reasons, there is nothing worthwhile!  Buffy was popular because of Angel and Spike.  Because of Willow.  Xander.  Faith.  Oz.  Giles.  You know who was probably the LEAST liked character in the series?  Buffy.  Who will be in the new movie?  Which characters?  Only Buffy.  Dreadful.  AND with no Whedon...no.  You have to LOVE his response though!  I don't see any Whedon fans seeing this movie in theaters...whic is going to hurt it.  

And also on that mode...this is a bad idea.  Superman as CGI?  No.  BAD IDEA.  Why?  Well, other not having Routh or Welling as Superman, there is another reason. That reason comes to us from 1978 (the year after I was born!)  Superman: The Movie.  Christopher Reeve.  What was the tagline of the film?  Anyone??
That's correct!  "You'll Believe a Man Can Fly!"  I, of course, didn't see it until a few years later...but in 1978 they made us believe a man can fly.  Now having all Superman CG?  Dreadful. 

Newest Dark Knight Rising rumor: It'll be based on an obscure-ish story from one of the comics.  Not that I mind that, but the movies can bring us new stories...and I like that.  

The Harry Potter series is being converted to 3D and have a limited release in theaters at some point.  I think 3D is overrated.  I am typically underwhelmed by 3D, and only occasionally whelmed.  (YEAH!  Young Justice!  Thank you Robin...)  What I would LOVE is for July 17th or whatever (too lazy to look) to be Harry Potter day like when LOTR was released.  I'd pay $30 to spend a day in the theater with half hour breaks between movies to watch all 7 released movies leading up to the midnight showing of HP7-2.  I'd do it in a HEARTBEAT!  You know a ton of people would!  (Sadly...it would be about the length of the LOTR marathon, methinks...)

Good. It's a better series. Yeah...I said it.  And still have my Geek cred to boot.  Deal.

Mayim Bialik and Darren Criss are now regulars on their respective shows.  Good.  They should be.  They make the already awesome shows better.

I know this has been a long one...so here is a thank you if you made it this far and made it to the end.  Do yourself a favor, and spend 10 minutes watching this...although just a warning...you'll want to watch all of it.  Just trust me!

"I am a beautiful animal!  I am a destroyer of worlds!"

Have a good one!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Round-Tripper Reviews

Well...I guess this is as good of a title as any for now.

I'm going to blast several VERY short reviews here in a row.  The first doesn't fit with the others...but...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1  Part one?  That sounds cocky.  Like they're OH SO SURE it will succeed and...wait.   What.  :-)  Oh yeah.

In all seriousness this movie was EXACTLY what I needed it to be.  It was awesome.  The changes made the transfer of mediums stronger.  It was very emotional.  It was amazing, and a great way to start to end the story.  I cried a lot, and sobbed at one scene.  Great job. Easily a home run.

Now...for the rest.  As almost everyone knows for a year and a half now I have been going through the process of reading the audiobooks for everyone of Stephen King's (fiction) book's in order.  I'll add in the non-fiction later.  Anyway...I'm going to give my brief thoughts on all of them I have read so far.  I'm excluding the short story collections pretty much, as there are too many stories.  I may do each of them in separate blogs later.  There will be the book title, year it was published, and an R if this is a re-read for me, F if it was a first time.

There could be spoilers-you've been warned.

Carrie (1974-R)
SK started strong here and opened with an amazing story.  It is well written and just an amazing story.  A home run.

'Salem's Lot (1975-R)
'Salem's Lot is good.  The movies for it are not.  I was originally going to watch all of the movies as I read all of the books, and stopped here.  Regardless the book is well done...just not one of his absolute best (which still means it is better than 90% of the books written).  A triple.

Rage (as Richard Bachman -1977-R)
Rage is a very good story...but it lost something to me between the first and second reading.  Add in that the book is no longer in publication because of Columbine, and this one is hard to find.  It's a good story.  A triple.

The Shining (1977-R)
Better than either movie adaption, although I think the mini-series the better of the two.  Regardless, the book is great.  It really builds suspense. A home run.

The Stand (original/edited-1978-F)
I had read the uncut, but not the original, so this was SORT OF the first first time for me. There are a few stories different people hold up as Stephen King's masterpieces.  The Stand is one.  There's a good reason.  It is one of the best stories written in the past 100 years.  While the uncut is better, this one is still a home run.

The Dead Zone (1979-F)
I REALLY liked the Dead Zone...until the last third of the book.  SK rushed the last (and possibly most crucial) part of the story after taking plenty of time with the rest.  It was like there was a page limit and he just cut the ending portion.  It really hurts what could have been a great book.  A double.

The Long Walk (Bachman-1979-R)
I remembered loving The Long Walk.  I re-read it.  I still love it.  A well told story.  Great story!  A Home run!

Firestarter (1980-F)
I had previously read the first chapter of this book and stopped.  Reading it...wow.  Great story.  I really enjoyed it and wanted to push through.  Another non-happy ending, which SK does so well.  A Triple.

Cujo (1981-R)
I didn't really remember Cujo that well.  I was a lot younger when I read it.  (8th grade?  9th?)  It has some amazing parts...just not one of my favorites.  Having read this last year may also hurt it, but I'd say it's a double.

Roadwork (Bachman-1981-F)
This was a great story.  The Bachman Books are mostly very well done.  I really enjoyed this book.  It was the equivalent of a popcorn flick to me.   It was a good one where I wanted to see what happened next.  A triple.

Different Seasons (1982-R/F)
There are four stories here, but they aren't short stories.  They will be short reviews, however.  :-)  Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption comes in with a triple. For the psychological effect, Apt Pupil hits a home run. The Body gets a double for me...it just missed the mark.  The Breathing Method freaked me out, and gets a home run for it.

The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger (1982-R)
The Dark Tower series is an amazing series.  It is really SK's work of art.  And this kicks it off.  I hate westerns...and this series SEEMS to be that from the start.  It's not...and it is amazing.  A home run.

The Running Man (Bachman-1982-F)
I avoided this because I had heard bad things about the movie.  The book...wow.  This was an awesome story.  Surprisingly good.  A triple.  Really close to going out of the park.

Christine (1983-R)
I always really loved Christine...but at the same time it is never one of my favorites.  It's very well done...but there is something missing for me.  However, it's still a triple.

Cycle of the Werewolf (1983-R)
Was this intended to be a children's story???  If so, it is a weak pop-up to the pitcher.  If not (and it wasn't...it was going to be written as a calendar but was too long, from what I read) it is a strike-out.  Horrible.

Pet Semetary (1983-R)
He didn't want to publish this story because of how freaky it is.  It's amazing.  It's also scary...and I don't scare easily from books.  A Home run.

The Talisman (w/ Peter Straub-1984-F)
I never had a desire to read this book.  If I hadn't dedicated myself to reading all of the books in order I probably would have skipped it.  Wow was I wrong.  This book is amazing, and introduces one of my favorite SK characters (Wolf).  A home run.

Thinner (Bachman-1984-R)
I said earlier the Bachman books are mostly good.  This is really the reason for the mostly.  I didn't really enjoy this the first time...and only marginally more the second.  A single.

It (1986-R)
I always said my favorite books were The Princess Bride and It.  At least before HP7 jumped in to join them.  I always refused to reread It however, because I was afraid it wouldn't live up to my memories.  It did...in a big way.  I love this book.  A Grand Slam.

Eyes of the Dragon (1987-R)
I read the book when I was really young (again...maybe 8th or 9th grade) and didn't remember it...I just remembered kind-of liking it.  I started rereading it, and was bored at first.  Then I got into the story, and this is easily one of my favorites.  Really well done.  A home run.

Misery (1987-R)
This book caused me problems as it was messed up and I had to get a new copy.  I did, and it was awesome.  Very well done.  A Triple.

The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three (1987-R)
The series is amazing.  I like parts of this book a lot, and parts just a little.  I think the problem is in the whole series I never made a connection with Detta/Odetta/Susannah (that's one character) and so her part drags this book down to a Triple.

The Tommyknockers (1987-F)
I'm not sure why I never read this...but I'm kind of glad I had not.  Otherwise I would have had to read it a second time for this...and once is enough.  It's slow.  You don't make a connection with any characters.  The only two I felt anything for were a dog and a characters younger brother...both of which were barely in the book.  It wasn't bad and the last third was good...it just wasn't my cup of tea.  For that, I'll give this book a single.

The Dark Half (1989-R)
Yes, another SK book about a writer.  You write what you know...right?  Well done...nothing special.  A double for not being as good as I remembered.

Four Past Midnight (1989-R)
Again, four novellas.  I just finished the second of two.  So, quick reviews of those two. The Langoliers is another good popcorn story, and gets a triple for it.  Secret Window, Secret Garden is the story of a writer who has an evil side that murders people he knows and threatens to take over his life.  Didn't I just READ The Dark Half (which is the same story).  This one is actually done a lot better, and will get a triple for it.

That's all for now.  I'm sure more will come.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts from Third Base: Movie Trailer Edition!

So...a TON of trailers/extended previews for movies and TV shows have hit recently!  I'll put them here and give my thoughts!

Only one place to start:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
Friday, November 19, 2010

I already have my tickets.  I'll be there Saturday.  I expect good things from this movie, and thing the 7th movies will be the best of the series.

Winnie The Pooh
July 15, 2011

I have been a Winnie the Pooh fan my whole life.  The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Pooh's Grand Adventure. The Tigger Movie. Piglet's Big Move. Pooh's Heffalump Movie. I love them all.  I wish I OWNED them all...Pooh's Grand Adventure is right there with the 3 Mighty Ducks Movies as most desired DVDs I haven't purchased yet.  I fully expect to enjoy this one as well.

Green Lantern
June 17th, 2011

I am so VERY excited for this movie.  I love me some Superman, Batman, etc.  But I cannot wait to see Green Lantern and Flash movies.  A Wonder Woman and Firestorm movie would also rock!  (For those wondering, I have no hope for a Nightwing movie.  Regarding the GL movie, however...this trailer gives me a Geekgasm.  It is AWESOME!

The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
December 10, 2010

Trailer 1:

Trailer 2:

Disney did a great job with The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Prince Caspian wasn't memorable but wasn't bad...it's just not as strong of a book.  Fox picked up the rights after Disney let them go.  Dawn Treader is one of the best books in the series and I think will make a good movie.  The only question I have is...where do they go from here?  I would guess The Silver Chair.  I don't think the will do The Magician's Nephew or A Horse and His Boy.  That only leaves The Last Battle.  It'll be interesting to see what Fox decides on.

Red Riding Hood
March 2011

Yesterday I said I thought this could be decent.  Then I actually watched the trailer.  I'm not as sure now.  I think this may get a DVD viewing at best.  Amanda Seyfried is a talented actress...I hate to see her wasting her time in things like this and Jennifer's Body.

The Smurfs

Ok...so...I questioned this one.  However, I loved The Smurfs and NPH is in it...so I may give it a shot.  Of course, I havent' seen either Chipmunks movies yet, so who knows...

As for TV Trailers:

Teen Wolf
I'm not really sure; MTV

This is clearly a re-imagining and not a remake.  After watching this...I'm not sold on it.  I don't think it is going to be horrible, necessarily...just don't know that it will be good either.

Young Justice
November 26, 2010 on  Cartoon Network

This I'm excited for.  I enjoyed the Teen Titans cartoon, but am more excited for this.  I just wish they had included some of the female Titans in the preview.  I'm guessing they get added after a couple of episodes.  I'm excited for this.

There are more, but really that is enough for today!  I hope you enjoyed your time trailer watching with me!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thoughts from Third Base: November 16, 2010

The Quidditch World Cup Blog still is coming, I hope.  For now...

DVR Playground (whatever that is...too lazy to look) feels that Michael Rosenbaum (and other acting types) should take a page out of Teri Hatcher's book and give back to the franchise's that made them.  I won't lie...I hope Rosenbaum comes back...I wish he would come back for at least 6 to wrap the series.  However...not sure how likely that is.

Smallville really is an amazing show.  It's the best superhero TV show created.  The tenth season has been a tour de AWESOME.  However, since the CW has decided this is the last season (I'm glad they had notice, so they could write a final season...I'm not ready to say goodbye though...) Warner Brothers is looking for what to do next.

I guess their choice is natural.  However, if they don't expand past just Batman, this could get boring.  Batman is an amazing superhero...but needs the supporting cast to thrive.

Former (now) Red Wladimir Balentin is going to Japan.  He was really a AAAA player (a player too good for AAA, the top minor league but not good enough for the majors) so Japan should be good for him.

Ok...this headline just made me laugh because I'm still 12...  I do have a bobblehead of him.

Normally I agree with this blogger, but I have to disagree here.  It's the fear of change/change is bad idea, which I disagree with.  I think this could be a good change for baseball.

My second favorite band has totally changed directions.  Saving Jane is no more, now giving birth to Union Rose.  They have some good songs already, so give them a chance.  I'm glad I like different types of music  (They went from almost Pop-Punk to Country, both of which I like.)

I think I like the old version more.

Walking Dead already gets a season 2.  That makes me happy.  I am losing Smallville, but get more of Dead as well as Haven.

This could be good:

Can't wait for this movie:

This could be ok:

I still CANNOT wait for this game.

So...we're now going to have THREE Wizard World Cons in Ohio.

And...that's good for today.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog Delay

Decided to delay the full blog on the trip until I can add art...maybe Monday after I wake up! :-)

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quidditch World Cup

Headlines From Home: NJ

Things learned so far on the trip. Jersey smells like urine.

We also just ran into one of our opponents at the train station. They almost couldn't make it. UPitt.

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

Headlines From Home: World Cup!

I can't remember what this headline is supposed to be....Headlines, Happenings...I slept 3 hours last night and am not really worried it. :-) A quick breakfast of nasty eggs (but free ones) at the hotel and it's off to NYC.

Should be an amazing day!!

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happenings From Home: In NJ

We're outside the hotel. :-) Waiting for them to get the rooms set. Ready for a nice, partial night of sleep.

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

Happenings at Home

Welcome to WV sign.

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

Happenings from Home: Couldn't Sleep

This is partially a test post, partially a way to introduce a new feature on the blog. 

We already have my comments on various news stories (Thoughts from Third) and my rants and ramblings on different topics (Sermons from Second).  Now the third-Happenings from Home.  This will just be updates of things going on in life or with whatever I’m doing.  It could be a simple picture, or it could be a full out story.

I’m introducing this now for one simple reason…I’m going to NYC for the Quidditch World Cup this weekend!  As I get chances I’ll post a quick blog on what’s happening at the cup.  The website is down until this evening (http://www.internationalquidditch.org/), I’m sure because of increased traffic. 

I woke up at 6:30 this morning, thought it was 7:30, and couldn’t get back to sleep.  So…long day ahead.  However, I’ll try to keep people updated on here (even with some bad pics from my phone) as we embark on this awesome trip!  Also, I know have a new feature to occasionally update on life. 

I’ve been thinking of writing a few reviews…but haven’t basically because I haven’t thought of an alliterated name for them.  Run-Scoring Reviews?  It can’t be anything to do with first base…I’m a single short of a cycle.  Repeat-Double Reviews?  Not sure.  I just know it has to have alliteration.  The At-Bat Analysis?  Who knows.  Suggestions??

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thoughts from Third Base: November 8, 2010

It's over 80 degrees in my office. Uggggh.

Possibly the first teaser for Star Trek 2. I'm excited for it.

Tons of Superman news.  First, Who will play play Superman?  If it is Rock or John Cena (second link), again I say Ugggh.  I think Routh was a good Superman, and Welling would be as well.  Why not continue along the lines of the Smallville mythos?  Then you have your Superman, Lois, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, and others as well.

Thank you Warner Brothers for not letting Steven Speilberg ruin Harry Potter.  The movies aren't perfect...I would give Order of the Phoenix a D (for Dreadful).  However, it is better than a CG Potter franchise shrunken down even more.  Was what happened to A Series of Unfortunate Events.  It wasn't bad...but it wasn't good either.

One of my favorite 80's TV cartoons is finally coming back.  Long overdue, if you ask me.

Another Silent Hill Movie?  Yes please.  Although we can add that to the list of movies that makes WV look bad!

This is just funny.  BTW...I got the vid from a different site...I don't frequent the site it's from.  Blech.

In addition to Green Lantern, Batman, and Superman Warner Bros. is said to be working on Wonder Woman and Flash, as well as possible other DC properties.  Shazam! is not included.  I really would love a Firestorm movie, which could be stellar.

Jane Lynch is all over the TV this holiday season.  That last one could be awesome!

Vanessa is blogging about her time getting a new dog, which will commence soon.  She's going to be sharing the process for those curious.

Jason Segal is making the new Muppet Movie...which means awesome because Segal rocks quite a bit.

The big controversy last week was that Hulk Hogan flashed the camera in front of his daughter Brooke in the commercial for a game.  However, funny story...he really didn't.  Something with a wrestler NOT being real/what it seems?  Who woulda thunk it?  :-)

As the Reds post season recognitions keep coming, Walt Jocketty was named Executive of the Year.  Other deserving Reds (we'll see how it pays out over the next couple weeks) are Brandon Phillips (Silver Slugger, Gold Glove), Jay Bruce and Scott Rolen (Golden Glove), Dusty Baker (Manager of the Year), and Joey Votto (Silver Slugger, Golden Glove, MVP, and pretty much anything else they give awards for).  I supposed Coco will be in talks for the Rolaids Relief Man of the Year.

The Reds, Tigers, and all of Major League Baseball have lost a legend this week.  Each of those is a different link that says things better than I could, so why try?

Jay Bruce is just one of many Reds getting paid this year.  And by paid, I mean the big bucks.

Taxes in baseball.  There is a luxury tax in baseball.  I agree there should also be a salary floor.  A team should be required to spend so much...to actually attempt to win. Pirates, Marlins, I'm looking at you.

A Redsfest wishlist. In addition to Mark Lewis (on the list) I would add Bip Roberts.  I think the Reds should try to bring back any and every person they can.

Rock Band 3 gets Bon Jovi content.  I'm fully in favor and it's worth getting RB3 for.

More Captain America pictures.  Let's see what Dawgie thinks of the shield...but I think the second picture I show may get Elissa to watch it.


The new Scream 4 poster makes me excited for the new movie.

Another Discworld movie, even animated, is good with me.

Interesting stories coming for Gotham City.  Could be good.

I am VERY good with the idea of Eliza Dushku as Wonder Woman, either on small or big screen.

The first part of the Dark Tower saga gets a release date.  Could be amazing!

The Third Narnia film is looking to go back to the awesome fantasy roots, as opposed to the borefest of Prince Caspian.

They keep teasing us with information on Batman: Arkham City.  I cannot wait for this game.

Aroldis Chapman may stay a reliever for now.  With Arroyo, Volquez, Cueto, Bailey, Wood, Leake, Maloney, and Lecure, that may be the best bet.  It also protects him.

Aunt Petunia (Harry Potter) is going to be in True Blood.  Seeing as all I hear about True Blood is that they are constantly naked...this really scares me.

That's good for now.  Have an awesome week!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sermons from Second: "Why are people so stupid?"

Time for a new feature here for my ones of fans!  :-)

Obviously my Thoughts from Third deal with thoughts on various news items I get from my RSS Feeds.

Sermons from Second will be my rants or thoughts (really...I'm a squiggle...that means I go on tangents...) on different issues.  However, this one starts with an RSS feed also.

I sent a friend and the wife a fully image from The Art of Trolling.  For reference:

Yahoo Answers Troll - Location, Location, Location

Now, I'll start by saying I don't know if that was a troll posting or a real person.  You never know.

The wife's response: why are people so stupid??

So I was about to respond to her.  Then I decided I would respond...but instead of to her, to everyone.  (And by that, of course, I mean the...4 people who read this???)


I live in Ohio.  Talawanda High School has a building that is amazingly out of date.  Yet every election until the 2008 for what, if I remember right, was at least 10 years a levy to build a new school was shot down.  In this election, I believe maybe ONE school levy passed and every other one was shot down.  (I know I could check that...but let's be realistic...I get my news from RSS feeds.  I'm too lazy to go look.)

Why are people so stupid?  Our education system is failing miserably because of a combination of apathy, political maneuvering, finances, religion (the old favorite...), etc.

Let's just take the example given above. We're going to, for the point of this argument, go with it NOT being a troll.  How could someone NOT know?  I would place that one of religion and politics...which too often are in bed together in the land of "separation of church and state."  The prevailing feeling is that we can't teach kids about sex, much less SAFE sex.  We have to protect the kids from the EVILS of sex...it is just for procreation, and SURELY they will learn when they are married.  However, violence....by all means teach it, make it better, show it anyway on TV, and glorify it.  Organized religion glorifies violence (after all how many ways/acts of violence have religion as their basis) and vilifies sex.

If I ever have children, I would seriously consider home schooling them.  The ONLY reason not to is the socialization component.  I could teach English and the History family.  Jennifer has math more than covered.  As far as science...we both have a base in science.  Also, our university Lecture Series is PROVING we don't have science teachers anyway.  See...we are bringing Bill Nye (The Science Guy) for our Lecture Series in January.  I think it is going to be amazing, and upon talking to the box office we have eight to eighty scrambling to get the tickets in January.  The reason for most of them is the same.  That is where they learned science...and often where they learned science in classes.  The teacher would have Bill Nye teach their students.  Simple. Easy.  More time to....do whatever they did at their desk.  I could do that.  Anyone could.

I want to finish by saying I know some AMAZING teachers.  I wanted to be a teacher in high school, and now teach a course at a college.  I'm NOT (despite how it may sound) laying the blame on them.  I will say in my life I have had some terrific teachers and some rather dreadful teachers.  A lot of the dreadful ones I've seen that they once had it...and the system knocked them down.  I LOVE watching movies about teachers who find a way to fight the system and educate their students.  Lean on Me.  Stand and Deliver.  Dangerous Minds.  Mr. Holland's Opus.  Dead Poet's Society.  Renaissance Man.  Freedom Writers.  The Ron Clark Story.  Just to name a few.  I love them.  I believe in teachers.  I have a lot of students who I think can be these types of teachers, and when I see some of the education majors, I think we have a bright future.

However, what does pretty much every one of those movies have in common?  First, most are true stories, which I LOVE.  Second, however, is that they have to fight a failing educational system to reach the students. They often have to take resources out of their own (and their families) pockets to teach.  The school system isn't out there helping.  It actually hinders...whether it is against teaching philosophies, policies, material taught, or (most often) funding, our educational system doesn't help.  Why SHOULD teachers have to provide these things out of pocket?  Our resources in this country go to the wrong place.  In 2008 we gave a multi-BILLION dollar bailout to many businesses.  We have spent TRILLIONS of dollars on war, not just in my life time but in the past DECADE.  If we put HALF of that money to a unilateral improvement of our education system, America would not be in the state of decline it is.  If we prepared people better...if we taught English, math, social studies, science, the arts, phys ed, INTEGRITY, etc. in our schools in a more quality way, the problems we see wouldn't be how they are.

Why are people so stupid?  Because the American education system is failing them.

Now...to end on a high note, as I said...there ARE amazing teachers.  This is not only one of those teachers, it is also ABOUT those teachers and improves my day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thoughts from Third Base: November 2, 2010

I do have plans for this other than these news recaps.  Look for more in the future...just not there yet.

Adam Richman is on campus today, which makes everything crazy.

With Election Day this week, however, I'll start with something election related.  Former WWE head Linda McMahon is running for Senate.  So the Secretary of State for Connecticut ruled that WWE clothes would be banned from the polls, because fans are sheep, I suppose, and that was promoting her.  I know I would not vote for her if I lived there, because I care more about politics.  I'm not sure I would vote for her primary opposition either, however...as his campaign shows clips from WWE and claims things like "Linda McMahon supports beating the mentally handicapped" or something similar.  Either way, WWE sued, and the ban is lifted.  I often hate politics.  Even someone with the best intentions (President Obama, for example) gets so bogged down by people with special interests that they have to water everything down to get what they want done.

Speaking of which...no link here...but why are people hating on the President?  He said he had certain goals.  Pull our troops from Iraq, fix the financial crisis, health care, etc.  He has moved everything he said he wanted forward.   People complain about everything.

Kevin Smith has a new movie.  It has a poster.  The poster is here, and more intriguing than I expected.

Another book-turned-movie coming out that could be...intriguing.  If my reading time wasn't devoted primarily to the King project, I would consider this book.

Goonies: The Musical.  Ok.  Time for The Princess Bride musical.

For Halloween:  (Jennifer...don't go.)

EW has the first image of Chris Evans as Captain America.  I'm good with it, and more importantly Big Dawg is as well, and he is the huge Cap fan.  That's 3 straight TfT in which I've mentioned him...

The Fine Bros. Have their newest spolers, which are always awesome!  Love watching these!  This time: 100 Horror Move Spolers in 5 minutes.  They also had 50 Nintendo, 100 Reality, Move Spoilers, Movie Spoilers: Oscar Edition, and more.  You should check them out.

Just in time for the new BSG prequel, as detailed in the last TfT, the first one, Caprica, is cancelled.

Joey Votto was named the NL Hank Aaron Award.

Congrats to the Giants for winning the World Series.  Now is the time when it's Hot Stove Season instead of baseball season.  I already miss home. (GABP, which the wife calls my first home.)

Could this be good? Sure.  Will I watch it.  Probably.  Is it a rip-off of Fables?  Yes.

I'll reserve judgement on this until I see it.  A third Ghostbusters isn't the sure thing most think...could be great.  Could be horrid.

I agree with her.  I've never been one to get star-struck.  For the most part I would say...75% of the celebrities in the world are doing what they love and should not have every aspect of their life broadcast every where.  If I ran into Will Smith somewhere (possibly my longest bit of fandom...) I would thank him for the joy he has brought to my life for the past... (quick math) 23 years or so.  (Yes...I used a calculator...).  I wouldn't be all googly-eyed and shocked and everything...nor would I bother him if he was out doing his thing.

Really...that's good for today.  Go vote.  Wait.  I know at least half of my readers have...so....